Golf Marketing – Print, Digital, and Events!
Northeast.GOLF Magazine (formally New England Golf Monthly) is published 6 times annually in a 9” x 11” perfect bound format with a soft touch cover. The magazine is targets affluent and avid golfers through distribution at virtually all Public/Private golf facilities and Resorts in the Northeast (MA, RI, ME, NH, VT, CT, NY, NJ, PA Eastern Canada).
Northeast.GOLF features the latest in lifestyle, fashion, interviews, travel, reviews, equipment, opinions, and news. Our mission is to supply our readers/subscribers and industry partners with interesting and engaging editorials to grow the great game of golf!
Let NewEngland.Media create a multi-media program that utilizes the Power of Print to convey your message, the trackability of Digital Distribution and the precise targeting of Social Media to reach various demographics.
Subscriber / Readership Demographics / Profile
- 70% are male ages 35-65
- 59% are working business professionals
- 74% have a college degree
- 35% make over $250,000 annually
- Avg Household Income $95,000
- 28% own more than one home
- 30% are women ages 45-60
Spending / Travel
- 37% are private club members
- 62% play golf at least once per week
- 52% spend over $2,000.00 annually on golf equipment & apparel
- 58% take at least one golf vacation per year
*sources: subscriber surveys, golf expo questionnaires, Dell Technologies Championship
Northeast GOLF Magazine Distribution & Readership 2019
- 20,000 +/- copies ** Printed Per Issue (60 day print cycle – 6 per year)
- Shelf Life 6 Months per Issue
- 100,000 +/- Readers/Issue (based on 4.5 RPI)
5,000+ Copies Direct Mailed
Subscribers & Industry
- Northeast US – All Golf Courses; Public, Private, Golf Resorts
- Eastern Canada – All Golf Courses, Golf Resorts
- Continental USA & Hawaii – All Golf Resorts
- Golf Industry Members
- International Mail approx. – 300 copies
10,000 Copies
Bulk Route Deliveries Northeast
- 750+ Delivery Locations *
- All New England States –500+ Golf Facilities
- Health Clubs – Car Dealers – Golf Retailers – 100+
- Indoor Golf Facilities & Teaching Facilities – 100+
- Transportation; MBTA Train – Nantucket/Cape Air – 50+
2,500 Copies
Marriage Mail Subscription Packs
Business Professional Magazine Subscription Service
- New England / Northeast Business Locations
- Commercial Businesses waiting rooms and lobbies.
** Golf Shows – Events – Golf Tournaments
- 7,500 +/- Extra Copies Printed Seasonally
- Boston (official show magazine), Hartford & Portland Golf Expos
- PGA Show – Orlando
- Jimmy Fund Golf Tournaments around the Greater Boston area
- Charitable Tournaments by Request
*Circulation numbers vary at bulk delivery locations monthly & seasonally. Our circulation is managed and audited by Pro Lo Services of Boston, the largest and most reputable delivery service in New England.
Northeast GOLF Magazine Marketing
For a custom multimedia campaign (print & digital) quote please fill out the form below or call 800-736-9020
Display Ads
- Full Spread – $2,750.00
- Full Page – $1,875.00
- Two Thirds – $1,500.00
- Half Page – $1,250.00
- One Third – $975.00
- One Quarter – $750.00
- One Sixth – $500.00
– X2-3 subtract 10%
– X4-6 subtract 18%
Paid Editorial/Adverstorial
- Full Spread – $2,250.00
- Full Page – $1,750.00
- Two Thirds – $1,250.00
- Half Page – $1,000.00
Prime Positions
- Front Cover & 4 pages – $7,500.00
- Back Cover & 2 pages – $5,500.00
- Front Spread – $3,750.00
- 2ndor 3rd Spread – $3,500.00
- Rear Spread – $3,000.00
- All Prime Positions Include (1) dedicated email blast
Digital Marketing
To request a digital campaign please fill out the form below or contact 800-736-9020
Website Brand Takeover – $1,500.00
- 2 Week Site Wrap/Banner Takeover (Site of your choosing)
- 2 Dedicated eBlasts (1 per week during 2 week takeover)
- 2 eNews Presenting Sponsorship (1 per week during 2 week takeover)
- 2 Week Social Boost
Dedicated EBlast (limit 3 per year)
- x1 – $950 ea. (sent to max 30K subscribers +/-)
- x2 – $800 ea. (sent to max 30K subscribers +/-)
- x3 – $575 ea. (sent to max 30K subscribers +/-)
NE.Media-PrintSpecs (PDF)
Website Brand Takeover
Dedicated Email EBlast:
- HTML File with absolute url’s for all images OR…
- 570W x 1000H – jpeg(s) at 72 dpi, rgb with link(s) OR…
- images, text and link(s) for our design team to generate a HTML file
- Subject Line, Pretext Line & Social Share image (1200w x 628H w/ less than 20% text)
ENewsletter Sponsorship
- 1 or 3 separate jpeg files, 534W x 250H, 72 dpi, rgb, link(s)