New England HomeLife Presents: The 2012 Holiday Guide

Featuring Homes and Holiday Gift Ideas

The Holidays are a great time to look at a new home for the coming New Year.  It is also the time where homeowners are searching for gifts for their loved ones that can be used around the home. NEHL will feature gifts from appliances to electronics along with gift certificates to be used in the spring or upgrades to the home for holiday entertainment.  If your company has a home, product or service that you would like to promote for the gift giving season, don’t miss the HomeLife Holiday Guide!

The HomeLife Holiday Guide: An all-inclusive multi-media program including a print/digital magazine, webpage, enews, eblast and social media marketing to provide your brand with the best marketing value in Southern New England this Holiday Season!

Featured Position $195
1/3 page in print/digital magazine for a picture, up to 75 words of editorial and contact information  |  Multimedia Marketing below

Premium Position $285
1/2 page in print/digital magazine for a picture(s), up to 150 words of editorial and contact information  |  Multimedia Marketing below

Exclusive Position $415
Full page in print/digital magazine for a logo, picture(s), up to 275 words of editorial and contact information  |  Multimedia Marketing below

Cover Position – $975
Position on the cover (3 available) with two page spread in print/digital magazine for a logo, picture(s), up to 275 words of editorial and contact information  along with a full page display ad  |  Global Site Wrap for One Week on  |  Multimedia Marketing below

Deadlines: New England HomeLife – December 2012

–Space Deadline – November 13th
–Material Deadline – November 16th
–To Press – November 21st
–Print Delivery – November26th
–eBlast Delivery – December 4th
–eNews Schedule – Nov. 27, Dec 4, 11, 18

All the above includes a Position in the special digital Holiday Guide | Position in (1) Holiday Guide dedicated eblast | Position in (4) weekly enews featuring the Holiday Guide | Position in Social Media Holiday Promotion

Platform Distribution & Reach

  • 50,000 printed copies delivered to over 3500 locations (real estate offices, professional offices, liquor, restaurants, transportation, hotels, dealerships etc.)
  • 20,000+ email subscribers who receive the digital magazine throughout the month which also has an infinite shelf life
  • 5,500+ unique visits per month online with all editorial featured and live indefinitely and thousands of social media followers
  • Total reach in excess of 150,000 through the NEHL Platform monthly

Click the pictures below to zoom in:

Holiday Guide Cover

Featured Homes

Exclusive and Premier Positions