New England Golf Monthly Presents: The Southern Swing

Featuring Golf in the Mid-Atlantic, Southeast, Florida & Gulf Coast

Each fall, New England Golf Monthly covers a number of golf travel destinations for our annual travel issues running October to December. This year we will be featuring a complete golf journey along the eastern states by our most popular travel duo, “A Couple of Travelers” the team of Alice And Danny Scott. For the last 4 years Alice & Danny have been around the globe covering golf travel & lifestyle for New England Golf Monthly.

The Southern Swing: A multi-media promotion
designed to reach a targeted audience of affluent golfers with your brands travel package.

NEGM’s travel team Alice & Danny Scott will personally visit up to 12 locations doing complete reviews of each facility with photos and videos. Daily blogs about the “ Southern Swing” on will provide our readership with day-to-day interaction with each destination.  Would you like your destination featured in New England Golf Monthly and Fairways of Life?

Featured Position – $1750 (two issues included)
A full page display ad with up to a full page of editorial coverage.  Includes a digital magazine with live link and optional video.  Online blogging from the Scotts, a profile online on and inclusion in enews/social media.

Premium Position – $2950 (two issues included)
A two page display ad with up to a full page of editorial coverage.  Includes a digital magazine with live link and optional video.  Online blogging from the Scotts, a profile online on and inclusion in enews/social media.

Prime Position – $5000 (two issue included)
A prime position display ad (inside front, center or back cover) with up to a
full page of editorial coverage.  Includes a digital magazine with live link and
optional video.  Online blogging from the Scotts, a profile online on and inclusion in enews/social media.

All of the above includes the option of an online, enews and social media printable coupon that must include an exclusive offer available to NEGM Readers. Not to be duplicated with any other media outlet.
All of the above includes the option of an online, enews and social media printable coupon that must include an exclusive offer available to NEGM Readers. Not to be duplicated with any other media outlet.

Download PDF


Platform Distribution & Reach

  • 50,000 printed copies delivered to every golf facility in New England & over 2,000 additional locations (liquor, restaurants, transportation, hotels, dealerships etc.) and over 6,000 direct mail subscribers
  • 58,000+ email subscribers who receive the digital magazine throughout the month which also has an infinite shelf life
  • 15,000+ unique visits per month online with all editorial featured and live indefinetly and thousands of social media followers
  • Total reach in excess of 300,000 affluent golfers through the NEGM Platform

A Couple of Travelers: Alice & Danny Scott

Exclusive Example (optional video)

Prime Position Example & Enews