New England Golf Monthly Presents: The Fall Swing

Featuring Golf in Southern, Central & Northern New England

As temperatures moderate, course conditions are generally some of the best of the season making the fall season the best golf of the year for most. Courses are less crowded and rates at many facilities drop substantially. It is the perfect time to stay & play at facilities throughout New England as weather is cooler and the foliage is beautiful.

The Fall Swing: A multimedia promotion that fits any budget and reaches a target audience of golfers with your brands message

Featured Position – $375
A photo, contact information and up to 125 words of text to promote your fall message on a half page. Includes a digital magazine with live link, a profile
online on and inclusion in eNews and social media.

Premium Position – $625
Two to three photos, logo, contact information and up to 275 words of text to promote your fall message on a full page. Includes a digital magazine with live link and optional embedded video along with a profile online on and inclusion in eNews and social media.

Exclusive Position – $1575
Custom two page spread with photos, your logo and up to 600 words of text
to promote your fall message. Includes a digital magazine with live link and optional embedded video along with a profile online on and inclusion in eNews and social media.

Prime Positions
The inside spread, center spread and back cover with online banners and a dedicated eBlast are also available. Contact us for a custom quote.

All of the above includes the option of an online, eNews and social media printable coupon that must include an exclusive offer available to NEGM Readers. Not to be duplicated with any other media outlet.

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Platform Distribution & Reach

  • 50,000 printed copies delivered to every golf facility in New England & over 2,000 additional locations (liquor, restaurants, transportation, hotels, dealerships etc.) and over 6,000 direct mail subscribers
  • 58,000+ email subscribers who receive the digital magazine throughout the month which also has an infinite shelf life
  • 15,000+ unique visits per month online with all editorial featured and live indefinetly and thousands of social media followers
  • Total reach in excess of 300,000 affluent golfers through the NEGM Platform

Click the pictures below to zoom in:

Featured & Premium Example

Exclusive Example (optional video)

Prime Position Example & Enews